Welcome to

Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church

8805 Van Wyck Road
Van Wyck, South Carolina

Sunday School 10:00am
Worship Service 11:00am

About Us

Our Church was founded under the leadership of Pastor Sterling in 1898 and was originally named Macedonia Baptist Colored Church. Through the years, the Lord has blessed Macedonia with great pastors, leaders, and members, resulting in the continued growth of the church.

One significant pastor of Macedonia was Pastor J.W. Threatt. Reverend Threatt was installed as pastor of Macedonia on January 20, 1963. Under Pastor Threatt’s leadership, Macedonia was able to build a fellowship hall, add new pews to the church, and replace space heaters with central heat and air. Pastor Threatt was also essential to the spiritual and numerical growth of Macedonia.

Another pastor of Macedonia was Pastor Charlie M. Fisher. Under Reverend Fisher’s leadership, Macedonia was able to add a large multi-purpose room, including the pastor’s study, a business office, a kitchen, four classrooms, a large dining area and new men & women restrooms. Pastor Fisher faithfully served Macedonia for seven years. Macedonia has been blessed to have dedicated ministry leaders and members who have and continue to support God’s vision for this ministry.

By the grace of God, Reverend Marvin Crawford has been called to pastor Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church as of August 2024. We are excited about where the Lord is leading Macedonia, and we invite you to join us on this journey.

Pastor's Message

Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. While visiting our site, I pray that you will make note of our Upcoming Events as well as the time of our worship service. I hope to worship with you soon.

Pastor Crawford

Church Vision & Mission

Our Church Vision is to be the church that shares God's love in our daily living, community, and abroad. Accepting and doing God's will by loving God, ourselves, and our neighbors, evangelizing to the unsaved and growing disciples.

Our Mission is to show the love of God through touching hearts to focus on the Lord, stirring souls to grow in awareness of the love of Jesus, and feeding minds to keep them focused on the will of God.

Church Ministries

Macedonia is home to several ministries that come together to serve in accordance to our church mission and vision. Tap the button below to see a full list of each ministry and their corresponding leader(s).  

Ministry Page

Upcoming Events

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Sunday Worship Service

View our most recent service here

Wednesday Night Bible Sunday

Wednesday Night Bible Study will resume on January 15th at 7pm on Zoom. Tap the link here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 828 2791 6983
Passcode: 263168

Open Position:
Minister of Music

Macedonia is looking to hire a Minister of Music for our weekly services and to lead weekly choir rehearsals. Applicants are encouraged to fill out the message form below and put 'Minister of Music' in the message subject.

Community Prayer Breakfast

Join us for our first community breakfast on Dr. Martin Luther King Weekend for a time spiritual and culinary nourishment! Register for free by clicking the link here.

MMBC Women's Day

Macedonia Missionary Missionary Baptist Church is gearing up for a phenomenal two-day event to honor our women with three dynamic sessions and a worship service to remember. Register here and join us at Macedonia on March 8th and 10am and March 9th at 11am.

Stay In Touch!

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Macedonia Message Form

for inquiries and feedback for Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church.
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