Our Mission is to show the love of God through touching hearts to focus on the Lord, stirring souls to grow in awareness of the love of Jesus, and feeding minds to keep them focused on the will of God.
Rev. Marvin Crawford
Associate Ministers
Rev. Lillian Adams
Elder Rashunna Ferguson
Elder Lawrence Crockett
From left to right: Deacon James Crockett, Deacon Roland Roseboro (Chairperson), Deacon Melvin Massey.
Trustee Ministry
James Davis Sr. (Chairperson) Tesman Crockett (Vice-Chairperson) Alvin Crockett Janet Adams Jordan Ferguson
Director of Ministries
Elder Rashunna Ferguson
Director of Christian Education
Elder Lawrence Crockett
Financial Committee
Rev. Lillian Adams
Carol Albritton
Usher's Ministry
Janet Adams (Chairperson) James Crockett Jr. April Crockett
Sunday School
Janet Adams
Elder Rashunna Ferguson
Rev. Lillian Adams
Youth Ministry
Regina Crockett (Chairperson) Carol Albritton (Sr. Youth Advisor)
Media Ministry
Keturah Crockett (Chairperson)
Culinary Ministry
Faye Crockett (Chairperson)
New Member's Ministry
Lady Nicole Crawford
Pastor's Aide
Carol Albritton
Church Clerk
Rev. Lillian Adams
Beautification Ministry
Clara Roseboro (Chairperson) Rhonda Roseboro
Music Ministry
Men's Ministry
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